I’ve got three words for you…

I work as part of a small team.  I am one of three full-time employees (in our department) and the rest are all part-time.  Recently we have had a few people leave who the powers that be have decided that actually we’re not going to replace them.  So we are now two staff members down, why’s that?

Automated Telephone System.

Yes, this wonderful piece of machinery will now solve all of your and our problems!  Just tell it your date of birth and your telephone number and it will have you sorted out in no time!  Except, predictably, it doesn’t.  Do you want this?  Yes.  All done.  Oh, you don’t want this?  Oh, hold on for the mug that’s going to answer your irritated phone call.  Basically, if it isn’t a yes/no answer (as most things are not!!!) then it can’t help you and you have to hold on.  In the beginning we thought that it would mostly be youngsters who would get to grips with it but seemingly they’re not interested either.  Every day I listen to yet another complaint about how the automated system couldn’t deliver.  I sigh, put down whatever I was busy doing and take several of these calls – all angry because they’ve been waiting and it’s *urgent*.

I’m personally really insulted that the PTB think that this is all we do all day.  Answer yes or no questions.  When they told us that they wouldn’t be replacing the latest departed member of staff I was approached with this question:

“Hi S, none of the part-time staff want to do overtime (why would they?) and the other full-time members don’t want it either (stating they already do enough – pfffft!!!), would you be interested?”

…Do I really have a choice?

I nodded and said I would, justifying to myself that it would take me on another lovely holiday or give me some extra money towards Christmas presents.  This means I will be at work from when the doors first open (8:00am) to when they close (6:30pm).  But, I thought, it puts me in good stead with the company.

I. Was. Bang. WRONG!

“Hi S, so, it’s good news.”
“Yeah.  They’re more than happy for you to do overtime,” (there was some debate about it, re: complications with holiday time/pension, etc. both of which it wouldn’t benefit me), “but there’s just the matter that they don’t want to pay you the full rate of what you’d normally earn.”
I blinked, “sorry?”
“Well,” she shuffled awkwardly, “they want to pay you the absolute basic wage because you wouldn’t be doing your additional duties.”
I laughed and politely declined their request for my time.  After all, am doing them the favour after they’ve cut all the staff!  I don’t want to be there when I could be at home?!  And, does it work both ways?  Am I allowed to turn things down if they ask me to do something because I don’t think it’s included in the real basic job description.  Maybe I don’t feel like booking interpreters and screening the phone calls.  Maybe I don’t feel like telling people no and I’ll just book whoever wants to come, whenever they want to be there.  Yeah, maybe that’s what I’ll do.
I told Boyf who couldn’t believe it – he gets double pay if he does overtime!  Like everyone else I know!

want need to get away from that place.  If they think all I do all day is have pleasant little chit-chats with my co-workers and the people I see then they are wrong.

So, why’s it so difficult?

As you know, I had that stupid job interview recently which knocked my confidence no end.  I always thought I was quite good at my job but apparently I’m not very good at showing that to outside organisations.  Shortly after that fiasco, my employer offered me a small promotion which I accepted and I know a few people jumped through hoops to hold onto me.  But it’s just not enough.  I can’t sleep properly again because I’m worrying about what people will say to me the following day, the abuse that I’m going to get and what this stupid new phone system will mess up for me next time!  Plus, I am a one woman army at the moment because people know that if they leave something, I’ll do it!  Just like my other full-time colleagues don’t want any part in doing overtime.


(Happy upbeat blog coming soon)


Is blood thicker than water?

Last night was Boyf’s birthday meal and – thankfully – all went well.  Friends and family (although not without the classic ‘I suddenly realised on the day that I don’t have any money’) gathered in a modern Brightonian Vietnamese restaurant and enjoyed a good-spirited meal.  Afterwards, we made our way to a hearty little central pub and enjoyed a few more beverages.

Blood is not thicker than water.  I am pretty sure neither were there today. Some water was.  Quite a bit.  Other water was making mayhem.

So… Boyf’s brother asked if he could stay, having a few beers and wasn’t real up for the long drive home (he lives in a neighbouring town) so we let him.  It’s important to realise that when Boyf and I started going out, Brother-Boyf and I didn’t get along.  These past couple of years we have patched things up but it wasn’t without a struggle.  He got himself in with the wrong crowd and he and some idiot friends thought they were above the law and defrauded large companies, inevitably getting caught.  He was then trying to hide several of his assets by temporarily giving them to his little brother.  I told Boyf that we were to have no part in this whatsoever.  He took us for a drink and told us that he was giving us a car which turned out to be dirty as they come.  Politely I told Boyf to tell him that we were not interested and we remained car-free.  Boyf warned that he felt very bad about doing this and wanted to help his brother.  I laid it down and said that it was him or me.  Those were some tense conversations.
I’ve managed to steer Boyf away from Brother-Boyf’s scamming and scheming ever since.

After a few vodkas, I turned myself in and went to sleep.  I awoke to the noise of chatting from my living room at 3am.  As my dreary brain fogged through their words, I was able to make out a discussion about yet another scam.  I threw on my jumper and hurried to the living room.  Dazed, the boys looked back and me as I smiled and sat down.
“You not tired?” I asked, “what we talking about?”
“Just… something Boyf is going to do for me.”
“What’s that then?”  I asked eagerly with pretend enthusiasm.  The brothers both shuffled and rubbed their hands nervously.
“It’s a little something…”
“Oh?  Can you write it down for me?” I said, handing him a clipboard with the necessary lined paper and pen.
He chuckled with fake confidence and shook his head.  “I’m serious,” I replied, “write it down for me if you can’t explain it.”
“I don’t need to write it down,” he pushed the clipboard away gently and took his vodka in hand, “I’m not going to write it down for you.”
“That’s fine,” I smiled, “I’ll write it down.”
“S, no one needs to write anything down.  It’s too simple.”
“I’d like to note it down please.”
Reluctantly he began explaining in a patronisingly slow tone.  I drew loops with my pen and nodded at the end of each sentence.  His eyes watched carefully as I marked the paper.
“Look, stop!”  He snapped before regaining composure, “stop writing all this down!”
I turned the clipboard over and revealed my nonsense drawings.  Too tired to write, I shook my head and told Boyf that whatever he was saying was a load of shit.
“No,” Boyf drunkenly insisted.  His eyes transfixed on his big bro.
“You,” I said, pointing a finger at Brother-Boyf, “you take the piss out of him.  You know he loves you unconditionally and so you manipulate him.”
He wiped away some guilty tears as his dough eyed brother looked on, offended that I even suggest such a thing.  We never came to agreement but what was very upsetting was the discovery from Boyf that his brother had put his work van in his name to help his brother hide bis assets from earlier ventures.  Hurt, I asked Boyf why I was just finding out about this now, to which he reminded me of my previous ultimatum.  I eventually sulked back to bed and thought about it all day ever since.

When it was a decent hour and we were both together alone, I asked Boyf again why he had done it and he was very upset.  He said that he didn’t feel like he had very much here, i.e. all the furniture is mine and he literally owns the TV and the Christmas decorations.  Then he said how he was scared at the time of doing it that I was going to leave.
“What am I suppose to do now?” I asked, holding my arms wide open in a shrug.
“I don’t blame you for feeling like this,” his eyes were large and sad.
“…I obviously love you.  I’m not going anywhere.  But you need to know that Brother-Boyf is bad news.  He might have fucked everything up for himself but we have a nice little life here and he’s going to ruin it!”  Brother-Boyf doesn’t have a proper job, per say, he’s self employed but kind of…er, as and when it suits him to be so.  He’s never got any money for a start and his girlfriend recently left him after these scams fell through and she was caught in the crossfire and wound up also appearing in court along side him.  She was a loyal woman who he was forever saying he was going to leave.  I looked on at him and he Snapchatted her to say ‘fuck you’.  Wow, I thought, that’s so pathetic.  I can imagine her sat with her new boyfriend around their breakfast table, she opens the message and they look awkwardly at one another and she sends it on to all her friends with a message attached about how childish he is.

Boyf is going to call Brother-Boyf tomorrow and sort this biiiig mess out.  It’s not easy because he has an absolute blind love for his brother and we’ve come to blows about this type of thing.  Blood is thicker than water – or so they saying goes – but what about when the water picks up all the pieces when the blood has fucked everything up again?  Can you believe, also, the absolute arsehole that this guy can be?  Everyone chipped in at the restaurant and he took the change because he didn’t ‘want to leave them a tip.’  I am not going to make Brother-Boyf my enemy but we’re never going to be best friends either.  I put it straight for him last night; I like you but I don’t trust you.  I think that’s fair and he seemed to understand why I perhaps wouldn’t.

Brotherly love, eh?


You haven’t heard ‘Angels’ until you’ve heard it yelled at 3am

Are you a sleep person? I am. Sleep is the only me-time I get these days. I might be an early riser but I am definitely an early lowerer as well. In the cold winter nights my legs often spasm into excitement as I’m reunited with my heavy set duvet and plump pillows (two pillows, one for the resting of the head, the other for cuddling). I can’t help it, I just love bedtime.

A few weeks ago my nirvana was infiltrated by my arrogant neighbours. They’ve not lived there long; they bought the house last year for a cool one million pounds. Nice family, I hear, although I’ve only met the father. A cycling business man with a hearty handshake who is rarely seen as he commutes early and gets back late. Our flat building is full of keep-to-yourself introverts so he is something of a breath of fresh air. I’d always held it in my mind that he would have a ‘sit down and eat dinner together’ family but apparently I am wrong. Clearly he goes on holidays and leaves his spawn behind.

It was a Wednesday night and adolescent voices rang through the air. “Come on then, bruv!” and “Aaaah, mate!” seemed to be the theme of the night. At first I shrugged it off, it was 10pm, surely these children would be off to bed soon? I folded the cuddle pillow over my ears and closed my eyes. For a while, it worked. But come 3am I was awoken by drunk children laughing and yelling. I reapplied the pillow but it was no good, my rested brain was now tuned into the noise. I waited, surely one of my neighbours would call the police soon? An hour later it eventually subsided and I could sleep again.

The following week my adolescent friends had chosen a Tuesday night for their antics. I folded myself into my duvet like one might fold dough and squeezed my eyes shut. Subconsciously I might have preyed for a storm as the beat of heavy rain drops suddenly started followed by the sound of arrogant boys and girls screaming and scrambling to get indoors. I’m pretty sure I went to sleep with a smile on my face that night.

However, then came 2:30am when I was awoken by some girls reciting “He Does Nothing” by Aleysha Dixon, an opinion I’m sure they must hold of us given they seemed to be trying their hardest to raise their neighbours. By the sounds of it, there were about fifteen of them. Aleysha Dixon had inspired them to cycle through Spotify and sing the chorus of every song. No, not sing, yell. I tossed and I turned, I put my fairy lights on and tried to read my book (Understanding Diabetes with Owls by David Sedaris) through the dim light but it was no good. Their voices cut through the walls and windows and landed firmly in my ears. I groaned and stomped to the sofa where the noise was even worse. I began frantically googling:




…I was very tired.

By three, they had moved on to classics such as Bohemian Rhapsody, Smells Like Teen Spirit, In the End, Hit Me Baby One More Time, Soulja Boy, I Wanna Dance with Somebody and many more. Every inch of me was fighting not to yell “fuck off” out the window except I knew that would only make them do it more. The killer blow came at four, when I heard those haunting piano keys followed by the words, ‘I sit and wait, doooes and aaangel contemplate my fate’. No, no, NO! I knew they were going to (try) join in harmony to belt out Robbie Williams classic and it was going to be horrendous. I stabbed 999 into my phone and hovered over the call button. Now, for a reason unrelated to myself I recently had to dial 999 for the Police in an incident which my Boyf and I are, against our moral wills, witnesses for. It sounds a lot more exciting than it really is but the process is long and unnecessarily stressful. Okay, this was not on the same level but my wired brain couldn’t tell me that and I groaned as I dismissed it from my phone.


The next day I nursed my strong coffee and gritted my teeth as I furiously typed out an angry anonymous letter to the little twats. How could you this, disrespectful that, it was pretty major. The adrenaline pumped directly from my brain to the computer until a colleague told me that it probably wasn’t the best idea to send an angry anonymous letter so we typed a much politer one and asked them to – politely – shut the fuck up. I’ve not posted it yet because there was a slight doubt in my mind which side it was but after Saturday night’s boxing antics, I now know for sure. Angry letter coming atcha.

Sleep well.


Our trip to the vets!

Little Trixie!

As I’m sure we all know by now, my babe hasn’t been very well. I decided to get her to the vets. To be honest, I just wanted some reassurance that we’re doing the right thing.

It’s nice, our vets, large off-white walls with colourful health posters and shelves full of expensive foods and treats. I sat clutching Trixie’s travel case as she sat huffing and puffing inside of it. Joining us in the waiting room were a nervous greyhound, a cat in a fancy Italian travel case, and an old lady with a crutch who was waiting to receive her cat back and clearly looked forward to the social occasion of the waiting room. Sadly I was nervous and didn’t feel like chatting. Then a mother with two small children and a cat in a cage came in and serenity was briefly destroyed before the vet, an olive skinned tall European lady, came to call us.

“Where is little Trixie?” She called.

I leapt up and followed her into the small yellow room. I explained Trixie’s symptoms and she opened the carry case. Of course, my diva wasn’t playing and nearly had the vets finger off. Once I’d eased her out of the carrier, the vet could begin her exam. She poked, pushed and prodded that was making even me squirm.

The Good News

She doesn’t think Trixie is having strokes every time. These episodes of her laying down and widening her eyes are seizures. From what I gather, seizures don’t normally kill hamsters. She said it’s usually related to an internal organ but at Trixie’s age it wouldn’t be right by her to investigate it, which I tend to agree. Seeing her in the exam, she looked so old and tired, she doesn’t need all this.

The Bad News

Trixie is very thin. The vet had to go and get her some different scales because the first ones couldn’t even detect her. She said if she continues to lose weight then it would be a trip back to ‘help put her to sleep’.

She had another seizure last night and does seem, understandably so, a little frightened afterwards. I’ll continue to do right by my lady until the very end as I’ve mentioned before.

She’s my little best friend.


Want to hear a bizarre fact about hamsters?

Sure you do!

As you may well know, I have a little Syrian hamster called Trixie.

Trixie use to get up about half nine/ten o’clock but lately since she’s been poorly she sleeps a lot more and doesn’t get up until about half eleven, sometimes even midnight.

Once we went to a friend’s house and ended up staying out all night (horrific evening, story to follow) and didn’t come home until the next morning. I immediately rushed to my little lady’s cage and fished her out and cuddled her, but all I could hear was this click, click, click, click, click. She was chattering her teeth. I looked it up and a trusted hamster website said:

Chattering is a sign that your little friend is annoyed with you.

I apologised, I cuddled, I fed her her favourite foods but she carried on chattering and running off my lap, plonking herself down, and sitting stubbornly next to me. Boyf went to scoop her up a couple of times but I told him not to as it literally looked like she was going to blow. Luckily, by that evening, all seemed to be forgiven.

So, given that Trixie now wakes up so late, I have been staying up with her every night as I know that our time together is precious. We have chats, play games, watch Curb Your Enthusiasm (her favourite 😉), all sorts really. Boyf gets up really early so he has to go to bed early so there’s really no other option. However, things started to fall out of place and I began cracking up. I was over emotional and cranky, I was snappy, I was making mistakes, and my treasured Monday afternoon off was spent sleeping!

Last night I had to bite the bullet and go to bed. At 22:00 I was tucked up and fast asleep. I woke up at 2am and tried to see if Trixie was about but she was eating in her nest so I went back to bed (I couldn’t call her because Boyf would wake up and he’s working today). This morning I heard her still eating so I called her name several times until she poked out her head and I scooped her up again.

Click, click, click, click, click.

“I’m so sorry, baby,” I repeated over and over.

Click, click, click, click, click.

“I’ll play with you tonight, I promise!”

Click, click, click, click, click.

“I know you’re annoyed but, please, I’ve been so tired!”

It’s difficult with animals because obviously they don’t understand and to them it just feels like you don’t care anymore. Also where my little lady is, erm, close to the end, it makes me feel so guilty if something happens today/tonight. Although I am safe in the knowledge that there’s no toys, treats, food, that little animal doesn’t have and she’s always been well taken care of. We will have a extra playtime today.

Angry Side Note

I have a few colleagues who don’t like hamsters for one reason or another. I’m an all round animal lover but I can appreciate that some people don’t like them or are scared of them, etc. So, the other day a colleague asked me how Trixie is and I explained that it’s good days and bad days to which another colleague answered with “it is just a hamster.” I laughed it off but she kept saying it and laughing and I became annoyed. She must’ve sensed it because she’s stopped now but it didn’t end with her.

Another colleague who I’m quite close to kept bringing it up and saying she’ll be dead soon as banter which he rectified with “I care about you but sorry not the hamster.” but he, too, kept repeating it. Well, guys, I care about her.

Other Side Note (last one)

The other day I phoned the vets that Trixie is registered to and asked them what is the procedure when an animal passes. She told me I take her there, then they will either cremate her communally with other animals and she will be scattered in a remembrance garden in Surrey (£18) or she can be cremated individually and her ashes will be returned to us.

“Okay, how much is that one?”

“One hundred and twenty pounds.”

I wanted to tell her that was outrageous but what’s the point? She doesn’t make the prices up. I thanked her and put the phone down.

I’m going to give a little shout out to a lovely man I spoke to called Jeff. After contacting several animal crematoriums, some even quite far out of town, I found him. I was always a bit worried about people who burn animals for a living but he was a lovely man who said that he will do it for £50. Some of you, if not most of you, will think that’s still too much for a hamster but I’ll take it. I want to give her the best in life, right up until the end.


Being a failed smoker

When I was thirteen and amongst my gang of ‘ardnut friends, occasionally one was expected to pretend to smoke. Off we would traipse round the back of the school, crowding around the person who’d managed to get their hands on a pack of their father’s cigarettes. “Two’s me!” you’d find someone calling, preferably you would smoke one half and they would smoke the other although some kids preferred one puff then you’d puff then passing it back and fourth. Some kids opted for “blow back” which I now understand is more geared towards marijuana than tobacco! I’ve never felt more inclined to apologise to someone for something they had asked for than when Sophie had begged me to blow my smoke into her face while she sniffed it in. If she didn’t feel grubby then I sure did. I had actually thought I’d got away with just dragging but never inhaling until I was called out on it one day when I was a sheep in the circle of lairy girls. It felt like everyone was watching me as I battled to keep the disgusting smoke in my mouth. A skinny girl in a puffy coat and hot pants leaned in and whispered to the only girl there who really didn’t like me. Sophie, the leader if you will, came half-hearted to my defence.

“Alright, Kitty,” she rolled her eyes, “we all know she doesn’t smoke properly.”

Consumed with embarrassment, I vowed to tell my mouthy friends that I was ‘quitting’ smoking. I’ve never smoked to impress someone since that day. At first I thought I’d be out casted but it actually wasn’t too bad. Several other kids ‘quit’ when I did and we all looked knowingly at each other whenever it was said. No more running from teachers, no more accusations from relatives when they were a cigarette down, no more pretending we were getting our fix and not being able to feel our fingers as we stood out in the rain.

Surprisingly, it was as an adult that not smoking would make me feel like an isolated goody two-shoes. When I’d discovered clubbing I would be endlessly frustrated that we were never able to dance for more than one song without being huddled in the smoking area shortly after. In pubs I always dreaded hearing someone address the table with “cigarette anyone?”. Everyone would hustle and bustle before the inevitable pause, cigarettes poised in their fingers, eyes shifting from side to side. Who was going to babysit the square?

I went to Amsterdam in February and I was the only person who didn’t smoke out of a group of six of us. Three people would go out together and me and the other two would carry on the conversation but as soon as they were back, no matter where the conversation had gotten to, the other two were fastly wrapping their coats around their shoulders and heading for the door.

It can be embarrassing and what’s worse is that people often apologise to you. “Oh, I’m so sorry, S, but I’m going to have to pop outside for a cigarette” like I’m some militant non-smoker. It’s kind of like going to dinner with a vegetarian and apologising for ordering a burger. Hey, it’s your choice.

But over the years the status of smoking has seemingly shifted. Now more people have given up or are vaping and suddenly I’m at a table of non-smokers whilst one person sneaks off for their cigarette. Not always, but definitely more frequently than it used to be. A friend of ours was down for Pride Weekend and was the only one of us out of four who smoked, much different to how it had been the previous years.

Boyf stopped smoking when we moved in together now we’re the top floor. He would roll his cigarette, turn the knob of the door tentatively and try not to creek the stairs on the way down.


“Yeah?” He would call back after muttering a swear word.

“You going downstairs?”


“Oh, do you think you can pop to the shop and get some orange juice?”


“Do you think you can post this letter?”


“Do you think you can take down some of this recycling?”

It wasn’t long before I came home to him sat at the table, squeezing blueberry liquid into a tiny metal device. Proudly informing me that it was just steam and he would no longer be going outside. Fine by me.

I’m not antismoking but I really don’t see the point. It continues to get more and more expensive and surely become more and more of a burden. Half the time I think it gives people something to do. How often do you see people walk up to a bus stop and pull out a cigarette if the bus’ arrival isn’t simultaneous with their own?

It’s funny, isn’t it?


Why oh why do I BOTHER?

When I turned 21 I swore I would never plan another party so help me God.

I’d planned a big night out for my 21st and had a pretty measly turn out. A lot of people cancelled on the day, one friend was legitimately unwell with a kidney infection, two of my own friends arrived, one of whom had brought her boyfriend so that bulked out the numbers, one of my many cousins, and my sister brought two friends and the guy who was pretty into me at the time turned up later as well (aww, that’s Boyf). Fuck this, I thought, I’m just doing something I want to do from now on.

Boyf’s birthday is coming up and as usual he doesn’t want to do anything. Normally that’s fine but he followed it on this year saying he doesn’t like his birthday which made me kind of sad. I decided to do something. So I sent out message after message to various friends and family suggesting we do a surprise meal. To my delight a lot of people confirmed and the birthday ball had begun to roll.

Boyf’s brother had confirmed, my family had all confirmed, my friend’s had also confirmed, and Boyf’s mum had also told me yes.

So where were his friends?

Some never replied, his best friend came back with a maybe for various reasons but the one I am livid about is his brother text me the next day to say that although he would be attending still, Boyf’s mum, his stepdad, and his sister wouldn’t be attending because they don’t want to do the hour train journey on a bank holiday. Now, if this were just a normal meal then I might’ve understood but this is her son’s birthday. It’s pure laziness and I am absolutely furious. Also, she confirms so many things (including her own birthday drinks) and then cancels the last minute. I think she probably even knew when it was first mentioned that she would cancel.

So, just to recap, his brother is confirmed, a load of my friends and my family which is shaping up to be my bloody party. I was so upset that I scrapped doing it as a surprise and just told him outright. I’d had a few glasses of wine at the time so it was quite an outburst (there may have been tears).

I write this blog because I’m such a fucking awkward individual – why do I do these things?! I should’ve just left it as me taking Boyf out for a meal but now I’ve gone and put my big party foot in it.



Annnnd relax

Most people will tell you that they hate Mondays. Well, not me!

Nope, I like them.

I’m currently wearing my loungewear (including the pajama bottoms I’ve had since year six – yep!), listening to Clair De Lune, writing to you guys. Yeah, I was thinking about doing the cleaning but why should I do all the work?

Spoiler alert: I won’t.

I’m going to read my book, not worry about things, listen to my animal eating in her little nest, and take it easy.

You make sure you have a good Monday


Feeling… numb?

It’s Sunday night, I’m laying on my sofa with the fan on, watching athletics and drinking squash. The flat is a mess and Boyf is fast asleep. Now I’ve got to go and do the washing up and stay up til late nursing my poorly furry baby who wakes up after eleven.

Tomorrow I’ll wake up, I’ll check Trixie is still with us and I’ll wake Boyf up who will fall back to sleep, grumble he’s late and stomp around. Then I’ll attend work where the public will be horrible, blame me for what is out of my hands and I’ll come home, tidy up, cook a dinner, have a really sleepy shower, and wait for Trixie again. And the whole time I’ll do it with a smile. All of it. Because if I don’t, then it will all crack open and fall apart.

But I’m so tired.

There’s something missing. There’s something missing and I don’t know what it is. I’ve just been away for a week so it’s not a holiday. I hate drama so it’s not that I want something exciting to happen. I think I just crave someone to do something nice, or something good to happen that’ll make me really happy. It’s so hard being a supporting role to so many people but never really feeling like the star. Boyf is quite a negative person so having to constantly boy him up is draining. It would be so nice if he bought me flowers or some other nice gesture just so it felt like it was all worth it. Listen to me going on. *Sigh* there’s worse things going on in the world I suppose.

Prey for my little poorly pet, guys.


Embarrassing Exes

We’ve all been there, right? A relationship that should never have been. I don’t regret all my exes, in fact, I don’t regret the majority! But there are two that really stick out in my mind. One I will go slightly easier on because he did actually end up getting sectioned for a short period because he was manic.

We’ll call the first one Damien. He was the son of a snooty Spanish housewife and a placid Human Resources & Organisational Development Consultant for the NHS. They lived in a large semi-detached house in Finsbury Park. Damien was a fast-talking laid back guy who hardly ever thought before he spoke or acted. We had met because he use to talk to a friend of mine over the Internet. She’d introduced us and we thought we had gotten on pretty well online, why not meet up? To give you an example of him not thinking, he flipped off a police car and they reversed back, called him over and told him to stop showing off to his girlfriend. Things continued to develop and eventually, a relationship was born.

It started to wobble when I met his stuck up parents. His Mum was dislikable and self-righteous. She wore a denim jacket with the words ‘Rich Bitch’ studded into the back – “Oh,” she giggled, “I didn’t realise it said that when I bought it”. Not so sure I’d be caught dead in it personally. She would speak Spanish whenever I was around and never seemed to speak it any other time.

Around the six month mark in our relationship, Damien and I were caught in the act. It was very embarrassing and it gave his parents another reason to hate me. The next morning they called us both down for a ‘meeting’ of which I can’t really remember much other than them saying they didn’t want to meet me again. We could still go out but I was never to set foot anywhere near them or their home. I shrugged as any moody teenager would do and slunked off.

It dragged through for another month or so, he was off at his posh Llandudno boarding school most the time and I was back at home insisting to people that he really did exist. He’d stopped making conversation with me and if he missed my calls he didn’t phone back. One day we were sat at Brighton Station when he turned to me and said:

“Would you ever think about having an open relationship?”

“No,” I smiled back, thinking this was a general question and not a proposition, “never.”

He didn’t say anything. Eventually his train was leaving and we kissed goodbye. It didn’t take long for the text to come through after saying he didn’t want to go out with me anymore but could we still be friends.

He declined all my calls.

When he did eventually answer the phone to me, it was when I was with my friends. I’d rang so much and not got a reply that I’d half-heartedly attempted and wasn’t expecting to get through. I acted like I was ringing to tell him I didn’t care, I was moving on. He said I didn’t need to call him to tell him that and I cackled like a mad woman, although would later cry tears of regret when he changed his number.

Fast-forward a few years and Damien gets in contact. I was in a six month old relationship at that time and he readily offered that he was with a girl that he’d been going out with for two weeks. “It’s love,” he told me, “you think you know what love is but you’re too young to really know.” He’s exactly one year, one day older than me by the way. I snapped and told him to get a grip, it had been two fucking weeks and he swiftly backed down. Just like they swiftly broke up.

He phoned me again a few months later and told me he was writing a book, that he’d spoken to some really important psychologist who had said he had some groundbreaking ideas.

They were barking mad.

I listened and wondered what the hell he was talking about. Then he asked me if I would be in his book.

“You want me to be in your book?”

“Well, on the cover.”

“Erm,” he’s clearly mad, I thought, best just agree, “sure.”

“Okay,” he continued, “so I’ll be in the centre of the cover.”


“And I’ll have lightening coming from my head.”

“I see.”

“And I’ll be topless.”


“And you’ll be in a boat.”


“Wearing a pink bikini.”

He proceeded to list other various things on this cover and, as mentioned, did eventually get sectioned. He’s okay now and we’re still friends on Facebook. He’s now a longhaired hipster who freestyles but that’s none of my business…

The second guy was a real loser. He was twenty seven years old, living at home with no real job. We used to be friends as kids even though I was nine years younger than he was. We got in touch and went for a drink. A couple of weeks later we were an item.

He told me he was a self employed IT technician but he was predominantly, it appeared, a drug dealer. I should’ve known when a large black BMW pulled over and the guy started yelling at him. He told me it was an old argument that the guy just wouldn’t let go.

One night I went over there and he said we were going for a drive in a car he had borrowed. His car had supposedly been impounded although I now largely suspect that it wasn’t by the council… We drove to a row of garages where we picked another suspicious character up who immediately told my guy that ‘The Nigerians’ had been threatening to cut his face. I sat quietly and willed that this so-called drive would be over soon. We dropped off God knows what to a few people and eventually returned to his parents house. He proceeded to rack up a few lines and get high with this bizarre friend. I wondered how much this was costing, given I know cocaine is very expensive and they seemed to have loads. They were still doing it when I left (I could never stay over because his parents didn’t allow it so I had to get the last bus back at night).

I started to get friend requests on Facebook from mutual friends of my guy which I gleefully accepted. Then suddenly I began to get more and more until I asked him what was up. Why had I started getting messages asking if he and I were in a relationship? He told me not to worry but also not to answer or accept anymore of these “friends”.

One day my guy called and begged me to get the bus to meet him at the train station near his house and I can’t believe I actually did. It’s a twenty five minute journey. As soon as I was off the bus, he begged me to give him any money I had. I politely held out a ten pound note.

“No!” He yelled frantically, “I need more money! Don’t you have anything else?!”

I told him I did not.

“Jesus Christ!” He paced back and forth, “I don’t know what to do!” He explained that he was in £60,000 worth of debt to his suppliers who were now fed up of waiting. They told him he had until seven to come up with the money or they would go to the family home and tell all to his parents. At the time I had envisioned this to be a polite conversation, like a teacher might have with a parent, but now I think about it, it definitely would be more aggressive than that. Those Facebook messages I’d been getting? They were the baddies. I was starting to see the kind of situation I was getting myself into.

“Look, you need to go home and tell your mum and dad. It will be a lot easier for them hearing it from you than hearing it from this other twat.”

He told me how much he didn’t want to but eventually conceded that this was the only real option and off he went. I made the bus journey home again.

I explained to my parents that my guy was in trouble and they reluctantly agreed to let him stay once his parents had (understandably) asked him to leave. He stayed one night and then his Dad picked him up the next. He went into rehab and I don’t know if they paid what these guys wanted but they never messaged me again.

When he was *ahem* better, I went over there one night and asked if he could fix my laptop for me. He said yes and introduced me to a friend of his who had recently come out as gay – congratulations! We sat around talking and drinking until the last bus was coming up.

“Hey, do you think you can do that laptop? Bus is due soon.”

“Yeah,” he replied, “I’ll do it tomorrow or something.”

“I need it!” (…Or I can’t play The Sims)

“S, it’s too late now! Come and get it tomorrow.”

I picked up my laptop and called him and his friend wankers and took my leave. Why? I guess because I’d been drinking Stella ActaTwat. That was the only time. My guy followed me outside and I told him that I thought he was a fucking loser. Did it need to happen? Yes, he needed some home truths. Did I do it the right way? Definitely not. We argued past the last bus and my mum kindly came to pick me up. I sent him an apology the next day but it was over. He didn’t speak to me again until we bumped into each other a few years later when he told me he’s moved in with his girlfriend and had a good career now. Good for him! Sadly, they’ve since parted I think and I’ve no idea where he is now but I hope he’s happy and safe, wherever he may be…

Don’t do drugs, kids.
